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Monday, March 13, 2006

Advertising for SMO Specialist

(For full text with comments please click on the title)


Strategic Management Specialist

Duties and responsibilities:

  • Monitor the external dynamics and study their impacts on company strategy.
  • Together with BOD and others stakeholders, review, develop, and propose company vision, mission, and strategy
  • Facilitate divisions and departments in developing their strategy, Key Performance Indicators, targets, Initiative and budgets.
  • Prepare periodical (monthly, quarterly, semester, yearly) management reports and facilitate the review of company and unit performance.
  • Act as an internal consultant for BOD and other work units.
  • Monitor the progress company strategic initiatives and report regularly to BOD
  • Communicate all company strategies to all elements within the organization.

Qualifications and Experience:

1. Male / Female 26 – 35 years old.

2. Bachelor degree in Business Administration/Accounting/Economics from a reputable institution

3. Minimum 2 years experience in implementation of Balanced Scorecard system and Strategic Planning.

4. Excellent communication skills in written and spoken English

5. A pleasant personality and excellent interpersonal skills

6. Ability/willingness to work long hours when required

7. Excellent coordination and organization skills


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